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API Reference


Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the openstack v1alpha1 API group

Resource Types


Appears in: - OpenStackFlavorSpec - OpenStackFloatingIPSpec - OpenStackImageSpec - OpenStackKeypairSpec - OpenStackNetworkSpec - OpenStackPortSpec - OpenStackRouterSpec - OpenStackSecurityGroupRuleSpec - OpenStackSecurityGroupSpec - OpenStackServerSpec - OpenStackSubnetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.


FixedIP is a data structure used in multiple resources to identify an IP address on a subnet.

Appears in: - OpenStackPortResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
ipAddress string
subnet string


OpenStackCloud is the Schema for the openstackclouds API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackCloud
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackCloudSpec


Appears in: - OpenStackCloudSpec

Field Description Default Validation
source string Source defines the source type of the credentials. The only supported value is "secret". Enum: [secret]
secretRef OpenStackCloudCredentialsSecretRef SecretRef defines the reference to the secret containing the credentials.


Appears in: - OpenStackCloudCredentials

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name is the name of the secret containing the credentials.
key string Key is the key in the secret containing the credentials.


OpenStackCloudSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackCloud

Appears in: - OpenStackCloud

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the key to look for in the "clouds" object in clouds.yaml.
credentials OpenStackCloudCredentials Credentials defines where to find clouds.yaml.


OpenStackFlavor is the Schema for the openstackflavors API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackFlavor
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackFlavorSpec


OpenStackFlavorResourceSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackFlavor

Appears in: - OpenStackFlavorSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID is the flavor's unique ID.
name string Name is the name of the flavor.
ram integer RAM is the memory of the flavor, measured in MB.
vcpus integer VCPUs is the number of vcpus for the flavor.
disk integer Disk is the size of the root disk that will be created in GiB. If 0
the root disk will be set to exactly the size of the image used to
deploy the instance. However, in this case the scheduler cannot
select the compute host based on the virtual image size. Therefore,
0 should only be used for volume booted instances or for testing
purposes. Volume-backed instances can be enforced for flavors with
zero root disk via the
os_compute_api:servers:create:zero_disk_flavor policy rule.
swap integer Swap is the size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in
MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created.
rxtxFactor string RxTxFactor is the receive / transmit factor (as a float) that will
be set on ports if the network backend supports the QOS extension.
Otherwise it will be ignored. It defaults to 1.0.
isPublic boolean IsPublic flags a flavor as being available to all projects or not.
ephemeral integer Ephemeral is the size of the ephemeral disk that will be created, in GiB.
Ephemeral disks may be written over on server state changes. So should only
be used as a scratch space for applications that are aware of its
limitations. Defaults to 0.
description string Description is a free form description of the flavor. Limited to
65535 characters in length. Only printable characters are allowed.
New in version 2.55


Appears in: - OpenStackFlavor

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackFlavorResourceSpec


OpenStackFloatingIP is the Schema for the openstackfloatingips API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackFloatingIP
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackFloatingIPSpec


OpenStackFloatingIPResourceSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackFloatingIP

Appears in: - OpenStackFloatingIPSpec

Field Description Default Validation
description string
floatingNetwork string FloatingNetwork is the external OpenStackNetwork where the floating
IP is to be created.
Required: {}
floatingIPAddress string
port string
fixedIPAddress string
subnetID string
tenantID string
projectID string


Appears in: - OpenStackFloatingIP

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackFloatingIPResourceSpec


OpenStackImage is the Schema for the openstackimages API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackImage
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackImageSpec


OpenStackImageSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackImage

Appears in: - OpenStackImageSpec

Field Description Default Validation
containerFormat string ContainerFormat is the format of the
container. Valid values are ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf.
diskFormat string DiskFormat is the format of the disk. If set,
valid values are ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi,
and iso.
id string ID is the OpenStack UUID of the resource. If left empty, the
controller will create a new resource and populate this field. If
manually populated, the controller will adopt the corresponding
minDisk integer MinDisk is the amount of disk space in GB that is required to boot
the image.
minRam integer MinRAM is the amount of RAM in MB that is required to boot the
name string Name of the OpenStack resource.
protected boolean protected is whether the image is not deletable.
tags string array Tags is a set of image tags.
Each tag is a string of at most 255 chars.
visibility string Visibility defines who can see/use the image. Enum: [public private shared community]
method string Method is the Glance Interoperable Import method to use. The only
supported method is currently "web-download".
Enum: [ web-download]
webDownload OpenStackImageResourceWebDownload WebDownload can be populated if Method is "web-download".
checksum string


Appears in: - OpenStackImageResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
url string


OpenStackImageSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackImage

Appears in: - OpenStackImage

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackImageResourceSpec


OpenStackKeypair is the Schema for the openstackkeypairs API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackKeypair
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackKeypairSpec


Appears in: - OpenStackKeypairSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name of the OpenStack resource.
publicKey string PublicKey is the public ssh key to import. Was optional before
microversion 2.92 : if you were omitting this value, a keypair was
generated for you.
type string Type is the type of the keypair. Allowed values are ssh or x509. New
in version 2.2
Enum: [ ssh x509]
userID string UserID is the user_id for a keypair. This allows administrative
users to upload keys for other users than themselves. New in version


OpenStackKeypairSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackKeypair

Appears in: - OpenStackKeypair

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
name string Name is the identifier of the existing OpenStack resource to be
adopted. If left empty, the controller will create a new resource
using the information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackKeypairResourceSpec


OpenStackNetwork is the Schema for the openstacknetworks API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackNetwork
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackNetworkSpec


OpenStackNetworkSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackNetwork

Appears in: - OpenStackNetworkSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID is the OpenStack UUID of the resource. If left empty, the
controller will create a new resource and populate this field. If
manually populated, the controller will adopt the corresponding
name string Name of the OpenStack resource.
description string
adminStateUp boolean
dnsDomain string
mtu integer MTU is the the maximum transmission unit value to address
fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
portSecurityEnabled boolean PortSecurityEnabled is the port security status of the network.
Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is
used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly
created port.
tenantID string TenantID is the project owner of the resource. Only admin users can
specify a project identifier other than its own.
projectID string ProjectID is the project owner of the resource.
qosPolicyID string QoSPolicyID is the ID of the QoS policy associated with the network.
external boolean External indicates whether the network has an external routing
facility that’s not managed by the networking service.
providerNetworkType string ProviderNetworkType is the type of physical network that this
network should be mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre.
Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
providerPhysicalNetwork string ProviderPhysicalNetwork is the physical network where this network
should be implemented. The Networking API v2.0 does not provide a
way to list available physical networks. For example, the Open
vSwitch plug-in configuration file defines a symbolic name that maps
to specific bridges on each compute host.
providerSegmentationID integer ProviderSegmentationID is the ID of the isolated segment on the
physical network. The network_type attribute defines the
segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan,
this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this
ID is a gre key.
segments OpenStackNetworkSegment array Segment is a list of provider segment objects.
shared boolean Shared indicates whether this resource is shared across all
projects. By default, only administrative users can change this
vlanTransparent boolean VLANTransparent indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network,
which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
isDefault boolean
availabilityZoneHints string array AvailabilityZoneHints is the availability zone candidate for the network.


Appears in: - OpenStackNetworkResourceSpec - OpenStackNetworkResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
providerNetworkType string ProviderNetworkType is the type of physical network that this
network should be mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre.
Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
providerPhysicalNetwork string ProviderPhysicalNetwork is the physical network where this network
should be implemented. The Networking API v2.0 does not provide a
way to list available physical networks. For example, the Open
vSwitch plug-in configuration file defines a symbolic name that maps
to specific bridges on each compute host.
providerSegmentationID integer ProviderSegmentationID is the ID of the isolated segment on the
physical network. The network_type attribute defines the
segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan,
this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this
ID is a gre key.


OpenStackNetworkSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackNetwork

Appears in: - OpenStackNetwork

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackNetworkResourceSpec


OpenStackPort is the Schema for the openstackports API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackPort
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackPortSpec


Appears in: - OpenStackPortResourceSpec - OpenStackPortResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
ipAddress string
macAddress string


Appears in: - OpenStackPortSpec

Field Description Default Validation
adminStateUp boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
allowedAddressPairs OpenStackPortAllowedAddressPair array A set of zero or more allowed address pair objects each where
address pair object contains an ip_address and mac_address. While
the ip_address is required, the mac_address will be taken from the
port if not specified. The value of ip_address can be an IP Address
or a CIDR (if supported by the underlying extension plugin). A
server connected to the port can send a packet with source address
which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs.
description string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty
deviceOwner string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova
(server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or
network:router_interface (router interface).
fixedIPs FixedIP array The IP addresses for the port. If you would like to assign multiple
IP addresses for the port, specify multiple entries in this field.
Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID
from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id). If you specify
both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to
allocate the IP address on that subnet to the port. If you specify
only a subnet ID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP
from that subnet to the port. If you specify only an IP address,
OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address if the address
is a valid IP for any of the subnets on the specified network.
macAddress string The MAC address of the port. If unspecified, a MAC address is
automatically generated.
name string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
network string The name of the attached OpenStackNetwork
projectID string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative
and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their
own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
securityGroups string array The OpenStackSecurityGroups applied to the port.
tenantID string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative
and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their
own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
propagateUplinkStatus boolean The uplink status propagation of the port. Valid values are enabled
(true) and disabled (false).


OpenStackPortSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackPort

Appears in: - OpenStackPort

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackPortResourceSpec


Appears in: - OpenStackPortResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
ipAddress string
subnetID string


OpenStackRouter is the Schema for the openstackrouters API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackRouter
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackRouterSpec


OpenStackRouterExternalFixedIP is the IP address and subnet of the external gateway of a router.

Appears in: - OpenStackRouterSpecExternalGateway - OpenStackRouterStatusExternalGatewayInfo

Field Description Default Validation
ipAddress string
subnet string


OpenStackRouterSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackRouter

Appears in: - OpenStackRouterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name of the OpenStack resource.
description string
externalGatewayInfo OpenStackRouterSpecExternalGateway
adminStateUp boolean AdminStateUp is the administrative state of the router.
distributed boolean Distributed is whether router is distributed or not.
availabilityZoneHints string array Availability zone hints groups router nodes.
Used to make router resources highly available.
tenantID string TenantID is the project owner of the router. Only admin users can
specify a project identifier other than its own.
projectID string ProjectID is the project owner of the router.
ports string array All the ports that will be added as router interfaces


OpenStackRouterRoute is a possible route in a router.

Appears in: - OpenStackRouterResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
nextHop string
destination string


OpenStackRouterSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackPort

Appears in: - OpenStackRouter

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackRouterResourceSpec


OpenStackRouterSpecExternalGateway represents the information of an external gateway for any particular network router.

Appears in: - OpenStackRouterResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
network string
enableSNAT boolean
externalFixedIps OpenStackRouterExternalFixedIP array


OpenStackRouterStatusExternalGatewayInfo represents the information of an external gateway for any particular network router.

Appears in: - OpenStackRouterResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
networkID string
enableSNAT boolean
externalFixedIps OpenStackRouterExternalFixedIP array


OpenStackSecurityGroup is the Schema for the openstacksecuritygroups API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackSecurityGroup
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackSecurityGroupSpec


OpenStackSecurityGroupResourceSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackSecurityGroup

Appears in: - OpenStackSecurityGroupSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name of the OpenStack resource.
description string


OpenStackSecurityGroupRule is the Schema for the openstacksecuritygrouprules API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackSecurityGroupRule
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackSecurityGroupRuleSpec


OpenStackSecurityGroupRuleResourceSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackSecurityGroupRule

Appears in: - OpenStackSecurityGroupRuleSpec

Field Description Default Validation
direction string The direction in which the security group rule is applied. The only values
allowed are "ingress" or "egress". For a compute instance, an ingress
security group rule is applied to incoming (ingress) traffic for that
instance. An egress rule is applied to traffic leaving the instance.
description string Description of the rule
etherType string Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the
ingress or egress rules.
securityGroup string The OpenStackSecrurityGroup to associate with this security group rule.
portRangeMin integer The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group
rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal
to the value of the PortRangeMax attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this
value must be an ICMP type.
portRangeMax integer The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group
rule. The PortRangeMin attribute constrains the PortRangeMax attribute. If
the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
protocol string The protocol that is matched by the security group rule. Valid values are
"tcp", "udp", "icmp" or an empty string.
remoteGroupID string The remote group ID to be associated with this security group rule. You
can specify either RemoteGroupID or RemoteIPPrefix.
remoteIPPrefix string The remote IP prefix to be associated with this security group rule. You
can specify either RemoteGroupID or RemoteIPPrefix . This attribute
matches the specified IP prefix as the source IP address of the IP packet.
tenantID string TenantID is the project owner of this security group rule.
projectID string ProjectID is the project owner of this security group rule.
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource. This is false by default, except
for pre-existing resources that are adopted by passing ID on


OpenStackPortSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackSecurityGroupRule

Appears in: - OpenStackSecurityGroupRule

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackSecurityGroupRuleResourceSpec


OpenStackPortSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackPort

Appears in: - OpenStackSecurityGroup

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackSecurityGroupResourceSpec


OpenStackServer is the Schema for the openstackservers API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackServer
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackServerSpec


OpenStackServerResourceSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackServer

Appears in: - OpenStackServerSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name contains the human-readable name for the server.
image string Image indicates the OpenStackImage used to deploy the server.
flavor string Flavor indicates the OpenStackFlavor of the deployed server.
networks OpenStackServerSpecNetworks array Networks indicates the OpenStackNetworks to attach the server to.
metadata object (keys:string, values:string) Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
key string Key indicates an OpenStackKey to injected into the server on launch.
securityGroups string array SecurityGroups sets the security groups to apply to this instance.
userData string UserData contains configuration information or scripts to use upon launch.
tags string array Tags is a slice/list of string tags in a server.
The requires microversion 2.26 or later.


OpenStackServerSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackPort

Appears in: - OpenStackServer

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackServerResourceSpec


Appears in: - OpenStackServerResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
network string
port string
fixedIP string
tag string


OpenStackSubnet is the Schema for the openstacksubnets API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string OpenStackSubnet
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OpenStackSubnetSpec


OpenStackSubnetAllocationPool represents a sub-range of cidr available for dynamic allocation to ports, e.g. {Start: "", End: ""}

Appears in: - OpenStackSubnetResourceSpec - OpenStackSubnetResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
start string
end string


OpenStackSubnetHostRoute represents a route that should be used by devices with IPs from a subnet (not including local subnet route).

Appears in: - OpenStackSubnetResourceSpec - OpenStackSubnetResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
destination string
nexthop string


OpenStackSubnetSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackSubnet

Appears in: - OpenStackSubnetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
network string NetworkID is the OpenStackNetwork the subnet will be associated with.
cidr string CIDR is the address CIDR of the subnet.
name string Name is a human-readable name of the subnet.
description string Description of the subnet.
allocationPools OpenStackSubnetAllocationPool array AllocationPools are IP Address pools that will be available for DHCP.
gatewayIP string GatewayIP sets gateway information for the subnet. Setting to nil will
cause a default gateway to automatically be created. Setting to an empty
string will cause the subnet to be created with no gateway. Setting to
an explicit address will set that address as the gateway.
ipVersion string IPVersion is the IP version for the subnet.
enableDHCP boolean EnableDHCP will either enable to disable the DHCP service.
dnsNameservers string array DNSNameservers are the nameservers to be set via DHCP.
serviceTypes string array ServiceTypes are the service types associated with the subnet.
hostRoutes OpenStackSubnetHostRoute array HostRoutes are any static host routes to be set via DHCP.
ipv6AddressMode string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IPv6 IP addresses.
ipv6RAMode string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service
should transmit ICMPv6 packets.


OpenStackSubnetSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackPort

Appears in: - OpenStackSubnet

Field Description Default Validation
cloud string Cloud is the OpenStackCloud hosting this resource
unmanaged boolean Unmanaged, when true, means that no action will be performed in
OpenStack against this resource.
id string ID is the UUID of the existing OpenStack resource to be adopted. If
left empty, the controller will create a new resource using the
information in the "resource" stanza.
resource OpenStackSubnetResourceSpec