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API Reference


Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the openstack v1alpha1 API group

Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the openstack v1alpha1 API group

Resource Types


Appears in: - PortResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
ip IPvAny MaxLength: 45
MinLength: 1
subnetRef OpenStackName MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - SubnetResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
start IPvAny MaxLength: 45
MinLength: 1
end IPvAny MaxLength: 45
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - SubnetResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
start string
end string


Appears in: - PortResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
ip IPvAny MaxLength: 45
MinLength: 1
mac MAC MaxLength: 17
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - PortResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
ip string
mac string


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 128 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - NetworkResourceSpec - RouterResourceSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Format: cidr - MaxLength: 49 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - HostRoute - SecurityGroupRule - SubnetFilter - SubnetResourceSpec


CloudCredentialsReference is a reference to a secret containing OpenStack credentials.

Appears in: - FlavorSpec - ImageSpec - NetworkSpec - PortSpec - RouterSpec - SecurityGroupSpec - ServerSpec - SubnetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
secretName string SecretName is the name of a secret in the same namespace as the resource being provisioned.
The secret must contain a key named clouds.yaml which contains an OpenStack clouds.yaml file.
The secret may optionally contain a key named cacert containing a PEM-encoded CA certificate.
MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1
Required: {}
cloudName string CloudName specifies the name of the entry in the clouds.yaml file to use. MaxLength: 256
MinLength: 1
Required: {}


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 265 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - NetworkResourceSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [IPv4 IPv6] - MaxLength: 16 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - SecurityGroupRule


Appears in: - RouterResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
networkRef KubernetesNameRef MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - RouterResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
networkID string


Appears in: - NetworkFilter - PortFilter - RouterFilter - SecurityGroupFilter - SubnetFilter

Field Description Default Validation
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource must
have all of the tags specified to be included in the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
tagsAny NeutronTag array TagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource
must have at least one of the tags specified to be included in the
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTags NeutronTag array NotTags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources which
contain all of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTagsAny NeutronTag array NotTagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources
which contain any of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - PortResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
ip string
subnetID string


Flavor is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - FlavorList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string Flavor
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec FlavorSpec


FlavorFilter defines an existing resource by its properties

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - FlavorImport

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name of the existing resource MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
ram integer RAM is the memory of the flavor, measured in MB.
disk integer Disk is the size of the root disk in GiB.


FlavorImport specifies an existing resource which will be imported instead of creating a new one

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - FlavorSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID contains the unique identifier of an existing OpenStack resource. Note
that when specifying an import by ID, the resource MUST already exist.
The ORC object will enter an error state if the resource does not exist.
Format: uuid
filter FlavorFilter Filter contains a resource query which is expected to return a single
result. The controller will continue to retry if filter returns no
results. If filter returns multiple results the controller will set an
error state and will not continue to retry.
MinProperties: 1


FlavorList contains a list of Flavor.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string FlavorList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Flavor array


NetworkResourceSpec contains the desired state of a network

Appears in: - FlavorSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name will be the name of the created resource. If not specified, the
name of the ORC object will be used.
MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
ram integer RAM is the memory of the flavor, measured in MB. Minimum: 1
vcpus integer Vcpus is the number of vcpus for the flavor. Minimum: 1
disk integer Disk is the size of the root disk that will be created in GiB. If 0
the root disk will be set to exactly the size of the image used to
deploy the instance. However, in this case the scheduler cannot
select the compute host based on the virtual image size. Therefore,
0 should only be used for volume booted instances or for testing
purposes. Volume-backed instances can be enforced for flavors with
zero root disk via the
os_compute_api:servers:create:zero_disk_flavor policy rule.
swap integer Swap is the size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in
MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created.
isPublic boolean IsPublic flags a flavor as being available to all projects or not.
ephemeral integer Ephemeral is the size of the ephemeral disk that will be created, in GiB.
Ephemeral disks may be written over on server state changes. So should only
be used as a scratch space for applications that are aware of its
limitations. Defaults to 0.


FlavorResourceStatus represents the observed state of the resource.

Appears in: - FlavorStatus

Field Description Default Validation
name string Human-readable name for the flavor. Might not be unique.
description string Description is a human-readable description for the resource.
ram integer RAM is the memory of the flavor, measured in MB.
vcpus integer Vcpus is the number of vcpus for the flavor.
disk integer Disk is the size of the root disk that will be created in GiB.
swap integer Swap is the size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in
isPublic boolean IsPublic flags a flavor as being available to all projects or not.
ephemeral integer Ephemeral is the size of the ephemeral disk, in GiB.


FlavorSpec defines the desired state of an ORC object.

Appears in: - Flavor

Field Description Default Validation
import FlavorImport Import refers to an existing OpenStack resource which will be imported instead of
creating a new one.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
resource FlavorResourceSpec Resource specifies the desired state of the resource.

Resource may not be specified if the management policy is unmanaged.

Resource must be specified if the management policy is managed.
managementPolicy ManagementPolicy ManagementPolicy defines how ORC will treat the object. Valid values are
managed: ORC will create, update, and delete the resource; unmanaged:
ORC will import an existing resource, and will not apply updates to it or
delete it.
managed Enum: [managed unmanaged]
managedOptions ManagedOptions ManagedOptions specifies options which may be applied to managed objects.
cloudCredentialsRef CloudCredentialsReference CloudCredentialsRef points to a secret containing OpenStack credentials Required: {}


Appears in: - SubnetResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
destination CIDR Format: cidr
MaxLength: 49
MinLength: 1
nextHop IPvAny MaxLength: 45
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - SubnetResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
destination string
nextHop string


Underlying type: integer

Validation: - Enum: [4 6]

Appears in: - SubnetFilter - SubnetResourceSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [slaac dhcpv6-stateful dhcpv6-stateless]

Appears in: - IPv6Options


Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - SubnetFilter - SubnetResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
addressMode IPv6AddressMode AddressMode specifies mechanisms for assigning IPv6 IP addresses. Enum: [slaac dhcpv6-stateful dhcpv6-stateless]
raMode IPv6RAMode RAMode specifies the IPv6 router advertisement mode. It specifies whether
the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets.
Enum: [slaac dhcpv6-stateful dhcpv6-stateless]


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [slaac dhcpv6-stateful dhcpv6-stateless]

Appears in: - IPv6Options


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 45 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - Address - AllocationPool - AllowedAddressPair - HostRoute - SubnetFilter - SubnetGateway - SubnetResourceSpec


Image is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - ImageList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string Image
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ImageSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [xz gz bz2]

Appears in: - ImageContentSourceDownload


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [ami ari aki bare ovf ova docker]

Appears in: - ImageContent


Appears in: - ImageResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
containerFormat ImageContainerFormat ContainerFormat is the format of the image container.
qcow2 and raw images do not usually have a container. This is specified as "bare", which is also the default.
Permitted values are ami, ari, aki, bare, ovf, ova, and docker.
bare Enum: [ami ari aki bare ovf ova docker]
diskFormat ImageDiskFormat DiskFormat is the format of the disk image.
Normal values are "qcow2", or "raw". Glance may be configured to support others.
Enum: [ami ari aki vhd vhdx vmdk raw qcow2 vdi ploop iso]
Required: {}
download ImageContentSourceDownload Download describes how to obtain image data by downloading it from a URL.
Must be set when creating a managed image.
Required: {}


Appears in: - ImageContent

Field Description Default Validation
url string URL containing image data Format: uri
Required: {}
decompress ImageCompression Decompress specifies that the source data must be decompressed with the
given compression algorithm before being stored. Specifying Decompress
will disable the use of Glance's web-download, as web-download cannot
currently deterministically decompress downloaded content.
Enum: [xz gz bz2]
hash ImageHash Hash is a hash which will be used to verify downloaded data, i.e.
before any decompression. If not specified, no hash verification will be
performed. Specifying a Hash will disable the use of Glance's
web-download, as web-download cannot currently deterministically verify
the hash of downloaded content.


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [ami ari aki vhd vhdx vmdk raw qcow2 vdi ploop iso]

Appears in: - ImageContent


ImageFilter defines a Glance query

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - ImageImport

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name specifies the name of a Glance image MaxLength: 1000
MinLength: 1


Underlying type: string

ImageHWBus is a type of hardware bus.

Permitted values are scsi, virtio, uml, xen, ide, usb, and lxc.

Validation: - Enum: [scsi virtio uml xen ide usb lxc]

Appears in: - ImagePropertiesHardware


Appears in: - ImageContentSourceDownload - ImageResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
algorithm ImageHashAlgorithm Algorithm is the hash algorithm used to generate value. Enum: [md5 sha1 sha256 sha512]
Required: {}
value string Value is the hash of the image data using Algorithm. It must be hex encoded using lowercase letters. MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]+$
Required: {}


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [md5 sha1 sha256 sha512]

Appears in: - ImageHash


ImageImport specifies an existing resource which will be imported instead of creating a new one

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - ImageSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID contains the unique identifier of an existing OpenStack resource. Note
that when specifying an import by ID, the resource MUST already exist.
The ORC object will enter an error state if the resource does not exist.
Format: uuid
filter ImageFilter Filter contains a resource query which is expected to return a single
result. The controller will continue to retry if filter returns no
results. If filter returns multiple results the controller will set an
error state and will not continue to retry.
MinProperties: 1


ImageList contains a list of Image.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string ImageList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Image array


Appears in: - ImageResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
minDiskGB integer MinDisk is the minimum amount of disk space in GB that is required to boot the image Minimum: 1
minMemoryMB integer MinMemoryMB is the minimum amount of RAM in MB that is required to boot the image. Minimum: 1
hardware ImagePropertiesHardware Hardware is a set of properties which control the virtual hardware
created by Nova.


Appears in: - ImageProperties

Field Description Default Validation
cpuSockets integer CPUSockets is the preferred number of sockets to expose to the guest
cpuCores integer CPUCores is the preferred number of cores to expose to the guest
cpuThreads integer CPUThreads is the preferred number of threads to expose to the guest
cpuPolicy string CPUPolicy is used to pin the virtual CPUs (vCPUs) of instances to the
host's physical CPU cores (pCPUs). Host aggregates should be used to
separate these pinned instances from unpinned instances as the latter
will not respect the resourcing requirements of the former.

Permitted values are shared (the default), and dedicated.

shared: The guest vCPUs will be allowed to freely float across host
pCPUs, albeit potentially constrained by NUMA policy.

dedicated: The guest vCPUs will be strictly pinned to a set of host
pCPUs. In the absence of an explicit vCPU topology request, the
drivers typically expose all vCPUs as sockets with one core and one
thread. When strict CPU pinning is in effect the guest CPU topology
will be setup to match the topology of the CPUs to which it is
pinned. This option implies an overcommit ratio of 1.0. For example,
if a two vCPU guest is pinned to a single host core with two threads,
then the guest will get a topology of one socket, one core, two
Enum: [shared dedicated]
cpuThreadPolicy string CPUThreadPolicy further refines a CPUPolicy of 'dedicated' by stating
how hardware CPU threads in a simultaneous multithreading-based (SMT)
architecture be used. SMT-based architectures include Intel
processors with Hyper-Threading technology. In these architectures,
processor cores share a number of components with one or more other
cores. Cores in such architectures are commonly referred to as
hardware threads, while the cores that a given core share components
with are known as thread siblings.

Permitted values are prefer (the default), isolate, and require.

prefer: The host may or may not have an SMT architecture. Where an
SMT architecture is present, thread siblings are preferred.

isolate: The host must not have an SMT architecture or must emulate a
non-SMT architecture. If the host does not have an SMT architecture,
each vCPU is placed on a different core as expected. If the host does
have an SMT architecture - that is, one or more cores have thread
siblings - then each vCPU is placed on a different physical core. No
vCPUs from other guests are placed on the same core. All but one
thread sibling on each utilized core is therefore guaranteed to be

require: The host must have an SMT architecture. Each vCPU is
allocated on thread siblings. If the host does not have an SMT
architecture, then it is not used. If the host has an SMT
architecture, but not enough cores with free thread siblings are
available, then scheduling fails.
Enum: [prefer isolate require]
cdromBus ImageHWBus CDROMBus specifies the type of disk controller to attach CD-ROM devices to. Enum: [scsi virtio uml xen ide usb lxc]
diskBus ImageHWBus DiskBus specifies the type of disk controller to attach disk devices to. Enum: [scsi virtio uml xen ide usb lxc]
scsiModel string SCSIModel enables the use of VirtIO SCSI (virtio-scsi) to provide
block device access for compute instances; by default, instances use
VirtIO Block (virtio-blk). VirtIO SCSI is a para-virtualized SCSI
controller device that provides improved scalability and performance,
and supports advanced SCSI hardware.

The only permitted value is virtio-scsi.
Enum: [virtio-scsi]
vifModel string VIFModel specifies the model of virtual network interface device to use.

Permitted values are e1000, e1000e, ne2k_pci, pcnet, rtl8139, virtio,
and vmxnet3.
Enum: [e1000 e1000e ne2k_pci pcnet rtl8139 virtio vmxnet3]


ImageResourceSpec contains the desired state of a Glance image

Appears in: - ImageSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name will be the name of the created Glance image. If not specified, the
name of the Image object will be used.
MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
protected boolean Protected specifies that the image is protected from deletion.
If not specified, the default is false.
tags ImageTag array Tags is a list of tags which will be applied to the image. A tag has a maximum length of 255 characters. MaxLength: 255
MinLength: 1
visibility ImageVisibility Visibility of the image Enum: [public private shared community]
properties ImageProperties Properties is metadata available to consumers of the image
content ImageContent Content specifies how to obtain the image content.


ImageResourceStatus represents the observed state of a Glance image

Appears in: - ImageStatus

Field Description Default Validation
hash ImageHash Hash is the hash of the image data published by Glance. Note that this is
a hash of the data stored internally by Glance, which will have been
decompressed and potentially format converted depending on server-side
configuration which is not visible to clients. It is expected that this
hash will usually differ from the download hash.
sizeB integer SizeB is the size of the image data, in bytes
virtualSizeB integer VirtualSizeB is the size of the disk the image data represents, in bytes


ImageSpec defines the desired state of an ORC object.

Appears in: - Image

Field Description Default Validation
import ImageImport Import refers to an existing OpenStack resource which will be imported instead of
creating a new one.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
resource ImageResourceSpec Resource specifies the desired state of the resource.

Resource may not be specified if the management policy is unmanaged.

Resource must be specified if the management policy is managed.
managementPolicy ManagementPolicy ManagementPolicy defines how ORC will treat the object. Valid values are
managed: ORC will create, update, and delete the resource; unmanaged:
ORC will import an existing resource, and will not apply updates to it or
delete it.
managed Enum: [managed unmanaged]
managedOptions ManagedOptions ManagedOptions specifies options which may be applied to managed objects.
cloudCredentialsRef CloudCredentialsReference CloudCredentialsRef points to a secret containing OpenStack credentials Required: {}


Appears in: - ImageStatus

Field Description Default Validation
downloadAttempts integer DownloadAttempts is the number of times the controller has attempted to download the image contents


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 255 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - ImageResourceSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [public private shared community]

Appears in: - ImageResourceSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 253 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - ExternalGateway - PortRefs - PortSpec - RouterInterfaceSpec - ServerPortSpec - ServerResourceSpec - SubnetRefs - SubnetResourceSpec - SubnetSpec - UserDataSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 17 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - AllowedAddressPair


Underlying type: integer

Validation: - Minimum: 68

Appears in: - NetworkResourceSpec


Appears in: - FlavorSpec - ImageSpec - NetworkSpec - PortSpec - RouterSpec - SecurityGroupSpec - ServerSpec - SubnetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
onDelete OnDelete OnDelete specifies the behaviour of the controller when the ORC
object is deleted. Options are delete - delete the OpenStack resource;
detach - do not delete the OpenStack resource. If not specified, the
default is delete.
delete Enum: [delete detach]


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [managed unmanaged]

Appears in: - FlavorSpec - ImageSpec - NetworkSpec - PortSpec - RouterSpec - SecurityGroupSpec - ServerSpec - SubnetSpec


Network is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - NetworkList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string Network
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec NetworkSpec


NetworkFilter defines an existing resource by its properties

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - NetworkImport

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name of the existing resource MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription Description of the existing resource MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
external boolean External indicates whether the network has an external routing
facility that’s not managed by the networking service.
projectID UUID ProjectID specifies the ID of the project which owns the network. Format: uuid
MaxLength: 36
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource must
have all of the tags specified to be included in the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
tagsAny NeutronTag array TagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource
must have at least one of the tags specified to be included in the
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTags NeutronTag array NotTags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources which
contain all of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTagsAny NeutronTag array NotTagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources
which contain any of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1


NetworkImport specifies an existing resource which will be imported instead of creating a new one

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - NetworkSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID contains the unique identifier of an existing OpenStack resource. Note
that when specifying an import by ID, the resource MUST already exist.
The ORC object will enter an error state if the resource does not exist.
Format: uuid
filter NetworkFilter Filter contains a resource query which is expected to return a single
result. The controller will continue to retry if filter returns no
results. If filter returns multiple results the controller will set an
error state and will not continue to retry.
MinProperties: 1


NetworkList contains a list of Network.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string NetworkList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Network array


NetworkResourceSpec contains the desired state of a network

Appears in: - NetworkSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name will be the name of the created resource. If not specified, the
name of the ORC object will be used.
MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags which will be applied to the network. MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
adminStateUp boolean
dnsDomain DNSDomain MaxLength: 265
MinLength: 1
mtu MTU MTU is the the maximum transmission unit value to address
fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
Minimum: 68
portSecurityEnabled boolean PortSecurityEnabled is the port security status of the network.
Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is
used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly
created port.
external boolean External indicates whether the network has an external routing
facility that’s not managed by the networking service.
shared boolean Shared indicates whether this resource is shared across all
projects. By default, only administrative users can change this
availabilityZoneHints AvailabilityZoneHint array AvailabilityZoneHints is the availability zone candidate for the network. MaxLength: 128
MinLength: 1


NetworkResourceStatus represents the observed state of the resource.

Appears in: - NetworkStatus

Field Description Default Validation
name string Human-readable name for the network. Might not be unique.
description string Description is a human-readable description for the resource.
projectID string ProjectID is the project owner of the network.
tags string array Tags is the list of tags on the resource.
createdAt Time
updatedAt Time
revisionNumber integer RevisionNumber optionally set via extensions/standard-attr-revisions
adminStateUp boolean AdminStateUp is the administrative state of the network,
which is up (true) or down (false).
availabilityZoneHints string array AvailabilityZoneHints is the availability zone candidate for the
dnsDomain string
mtu integer MTU is the the maximum transmission unit value to address
fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
portSecurityEnabled boolean PortSecurityEnabled is the port security status of the network.
Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is
used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly
created port.
provider ProviderProperties
external boolean External defines whether the network may be used for creation of
floating IPs. Only networks with this flag may be an external
gateway for routers. The network must have an external routing
facility that is not managed by the networking service. If the
network is updated from external to internal the unused floating IPs
of this network are automatically deleted when extension
floatingip-autodelete-internal is present.
shared boolean Specifies whether the network resource can be accessed by any tenant.
subnets string array Subnets associated with this network.


NetworkSpec defines the desired state of an ORC object.

Appears in: - Network

Field Description Default Validation
import NetworkImport Import refers to an existing OpenStack resource which will be imported instead of
creating a new one.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
resource NetworkResourceSpec Resource specifies the desired state of the resource.

Resource may not be specified if the management policy is unmanaged.

Resource must be specified if the management policy is managed.
managementPolicy ManagementPolicy ManagementPolicy defines how ORC will treat the object. Valid values are
managed: ORC will create, update, and delete the resource; unmanaged:
ORC will import an existing resource, and will not apply updates to it or
delete it.
managed Enum: [managed unmanaged]
managedOptions ManagedOptions ManagedOptions specifies options which may be applied to managed objects.
cloudCredentialsRef CloudCredentialsReference CloudCredentialsRef points to a secret containing OpenStack credentials Required: {}


Appears in: - NetworkResourceStatus - PortResourceStatus - RouterResourceSpec - SecurityGroupResourceStatus - SubnetResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
createdAt Time
updatedAt Time
revisionNumber integer RevisionNumber optionally set via extensions/standard-attr-revisions


Underlying type: string

NeutronTag represents a tag on a Neutron resource. It may not be empty and may not contain commas.

Validation: - MaxLength: 60 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - FilterByNeutronTags - NetworkFilter - NetworkResourceSpec - PortFilter - PortResourceSpec - RouterFilter - RouterResourceSpec - SecurityGroupFilter - SecurityGroupResourceSpec - SubnetFilter - SubnetResourceSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [delete detach]

Appears in: - ManagedOptions


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 1024 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - FlavorResourceSpec - NetworkFilter - NetworkResourceSpec - PortFilter - PortResourceSpec - RouterFilter - RouterResourceSpec - SecurityGroupFilter - SecurityGroupResourceSpec - SecurityGroupRule - SubnetFilter - SubnetResourceSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 1024 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - Address - FlavorFilter - FlavorResourceSpec - ImageResourceSpec - NetworkFilter - NetworkResourceSpec - PortFilter - PortResourceSpec - RouterFilter - RouterResourceSpec - SecurityGroupFilter - SecurityGroupResourceSpec - ServerFilter - ServerResourceSpec - SubnetFilter - SubnetResourceSpec


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 128 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - ProviderProperties


Port is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - PortList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string Port
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec PortSpec


PortFilter specifies a filter to select a port. At least one parameter must be specified.

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - PortImport

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
projectID UUID Format: uuid
MaxLength: 36
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource must
have all of the tags specified to be included in the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
tagsAny NeutronTag array TagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource
must have at least one of the tags specified to be included in the
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTags NeutronTag array NotTags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources which
contain all of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTagsAny NeutronTag array NotTagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources
which contain any of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1


PortImport specifies an existing resource which will be imported instead of creating a new one

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - PortSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID contains the unique identifier of an existing OpenStack resource. Note
that when specifying an import by ID, the resource MUST already exist.
The ORC object will enter an error state if the resource does not exist.
Format: uuid
filter PortFilter Filter contains a resource query which is expected to return a single
result. The controller will continue to retry if filter returns no
results. If filter returns multiple results the controller will set an
error state and will not continue to retry.
MinProperties: 1


PortList contains a list of Port.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string PortList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Port array


Appears in: - PortSpec

Field Description Default Validation
networkRef KubernetesNameRef NetworkRef is a reference to the ORC Network which this port is associated with. MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - PortSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name is a human-readable name of the port. If not set, the object's name will be used. MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription Description of the port. MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags which will be applied to the port. MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
projectID UUID ProjectID is the unique ID of the project which owns the Port. Only
administrative users can specify a project UUID other than their own.
Format: uuid
MaxLength: 36
allowedAddressPairs AllowedAddressPair array AllowedAddressPairs are allowed addresses associated with this port. MaxItems: 32
addresses Address array Addresses are the IP addresses for the port. MaxItems: 32
securityGroupRefs OpenStackName array SecurityGroupRefs are the names of the security groups associated
with this port.
MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - PortStatus

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name is the human-readable name of the resource. Might not be unique.
description string Description is a human-readable description for the resource.
projectID string ProjectID is the project owner of the resource.
tags string array Tags is the list of tags on the resource.
adminStateUp boolean AdminStateUp is the administrative state of the port,
which is up (true) or down (false).
macAddress string MACAddress is the MAC address of the port.
deviceID string DeviceID is the ID of the device that uses this port.
deviceOwner string DeviceOwner is the entity type that uses this port.
allowedAddressPairs AllowedAddressPairStatus array AllowedAddressPairs is a set of zero or more allowed address pair
objects each where address pair object contains an IP address and
MAC address.
fixedIPs FixedIPStatus array FixedIPs is a set of zero or more fixed IP objects each where fixed
IP object contains an IP address and subnet ID from which the IP
address is assigned.
securityGroups string array SecurityGroups contains the IDs of security groups applied to the port.
propagateUplinkStatus boolean PropagateUplinkStatus represents the uplink status propagation of
the port.
createdAt Time
updatedAt Time
revisionNumber integer RevisionNumber optionally set via extensions/standard-attr-revisions


PortSpec defines the desired state of an ORC object.

Appears in: - Port

Field Description Default Validation
networkRef KubernetesNameRef NetworkRef is a reference to the ORC Network which this port is associated with. MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1
import PortImport Import refers to an existing OpenStack resource which will be imported instead of
creating a new one.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
resource PortResourceSpec Resource specifies the desired state of the resource.

Resource may not be specified if the management policy is unmanaged.

Resource must be specified if the management policy is managed.
managementPolicy ManagementPolicy ManagementPolicy defines how ORC will treat the object. Valid values are
managed: ORC will create, update, and delete the resource; unmanaged:
ORC will import an existing resource, and will not apply updates to it or
delete it.
managed Enum: [managed unmanaged]
managedOptions ManagedOptions ManagedOptions specifies options which may be applied to managed objects.
cloudCredentialsRef CloudCredentialsReference CloudCredentialsRef points to a secret containing OpenStack credentials Required: {}


Underlying type: string

Validation: - MaxLength: 16 - MinLength: 1 - Pattern: \b([01]?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\b|any|ah|dccp|egp|esp|gre|icmp|icmpv6|igmp|ipip|ipv6-encap|ipv6-frag|ipv6-icmp|ipv6-nonxt|ipv6-opts|ipv6-route|ospf|pgm|rsvp|sctp|tcp|udp|udplite|vrrp

Appears in: - SecurityGroupRule


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [flat vlan vxlan gre] - MaxLength: 16 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - ProviderProperties


ProviderProperties contains provider-network properties. Currently only available in status.

Appears in: - NetworkResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
networkType ProviderNetworkType NetworkType is the type of physical network that this
network should be mapped to. Supported values are flat, vlan, vxlan, and gre.
Valid values depend on the networking back-end.
Enum: [flat vlan vxlan gre]
MaxLength: 16
MinLength: 1
physicalNetwork PhysicalNetwork PhysicalNetwork is the physical network where this network
should be implemented. The Networking API v2.0 does not provide a
way to list available physical networks. For example, the Open
vSwitch plug-in configuration file defines a symbolic name that maps
to specific bridges on each compute host.
MaxLength: 128
MinLength: 1
segmentationID integer SegmentationID is the ID of the isolated segment on the
physical network. The network_type attribute defines the
segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan,
this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this
ID is a gre key.


Router is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - RouterList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string Router
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RouterSpec


RouterFilter specifies a query to select an OpenStack router. At least one property must be set.

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - RouterImport

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
projectID UUID Format: uuid
MaxLength: 36
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource must
have all of the tags specified to be included in the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
tagsAny NeutronTag array TagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource
must have at least one of the tags specified to be included in the
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTags NeutronTag array NotTags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources which
contain all of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTagsAny NeutronTag array NotTagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources
which contain any of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1


RouterImport specifies an existing resource which will be imported instead of creating a new one

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - RouterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID contains the unique identifier of an existing OpenStack resource. Note
that when specifying an import by ID, the resource MUST already exist.
The ORC object will enter an error state if the resource does not exist.
Format: uuid
filter RouterFilter Filter contains a resource query which is expected to return a single
result. The controller will continue to retry if filter returns no
results. If filter returns multiple results the controller will set an
error state and will not continue to retry.
MinProperties: 1


RouterInterface is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - RouterInterfaceList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RouterInterface
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RouterInterfaceSpec


RouterInterfaceList contains a list of Router.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RouterInterfaceList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items RouterInterface array


Appears in: - RouterInterface

Field Description Default Validation
type RouterInterfaceType Enum: [Subnet]
MaxLength: 8
MinLength: 1
routerRef KubernetesNameRef MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1
subnetRef KubernetesNameRef MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [Subnet] - MaxLength: 8 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - RouterInterfaceSpec


RouterList contains a list of Router.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RouterList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Router array


Appears in: - RouterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name is the human-readable name of the subnet. Might not be unique. MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription Description for the subnet. MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
tags NeutronTag array Tags optionally set via extensions/attributestags MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
adminStateUp boolean
externalGateways ExternalGateway array
distributed boolean
availabilityZoneHints AvailabilityZoneHint array MaxLength: 128
MinLength: 1
createdAt Time
updatedAt Time
revisionNumber integer RevisionNumber optionally set via extensions/standard-attr-revisions


Appears in: - RouterStatus

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name is the human-readable name of the resource. Might not be unique.
description string Description is a human-readable description for the resource.
projectID string ProjectID is the project owner of the resource.
tags string array Tags is the list of tags on the resource.
adminStateUp boolean
externalGateways ExternalGatewayStatus array
availabilityZoneHints string array


RouterSpec defines the desired state of an ORC object.

Appears in: - Router

Field Description Default Validation
import RouterImport Import refers to an existing OpenStack resource which will be imported instead of
creating a new one.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
resource RouterResourceSpec Resource specifies the desired state of the resource.

Resource may not be specified if the management policy is unmanaged.

Resource must be specified if the management policy is managed.
managementPolicy ManagementPolicy ManagementPolicy defines how ORC will treat the object. Valid values are
managed: ORC will create, update, and delete the resource; unmanaged:
ORC will import an existing resource, and will not apply updates to it or
delete it.
managed Enum: [managed unmanaged]
managedOptions ManagedOptions ManagedOptions specifies options which may be applied to managed objects.
cloudCredentialsRef CloudCredentialsReference CloudCredentialsRef points to a secret containing OpenStack credentials Required: {}


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [ingress egress] - MaxLength: 16 - MinLength: 1

Appears in: - SecurityGroupRule


SecurityGroup is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - SecurityGroupList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string SecurityGroup
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec SecurityGroupSpec


SecurityGroupFilter defines an existing resource by its properties

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - SecurityGroupImport

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name of the existing resource MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription Description of the existing resource MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
projectID UUID ProjectID specifies the ID of the project which owns the security group. Format: uuid
MaxLength: 36
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource must
have all of the tags specified to be included in the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
tagsAny NeutronTag array TagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource
must have at least one of the tags specified to be included in the
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTags NeutronTag array NotTags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources which
contain all of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTagsAny NeutronTag array NotTagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources
which contain any of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1


SecurityGroupImport specifies an existing resource which will be imported instead of creating a new one

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - SecurityGroupSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID contains the unique identifier of an existing OpenStack resource. Note
that when specifying an import by ID, the resource MUST already exist.
The ORC object will enter an error state if the resource does not exist.
Format: uuid
filter SecurityGroupFilter Filter contains a resource query which is expected to return a single
result. The controller will continue to retry if filter returns no
results. If filter returns multiple results the controller will set an
error state and will not continue to retry.
MinProperties: 1


SecurityGroupList contains a list of SecurityGroup.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string SecurityGroupList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items SecurityGroup array


SecurityGroupResourceSpec contains the desired state of a security group

Appears in: - SecurityGroupSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name will be the name of the created resource. If not specified, the
name of the ORC object will be used.
MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags which will be applied to the security group. MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
stateful boolean Stateful indicates if the security group is stateful or stateless.
rules SecurityGroupRule array Rules is a list of security group rules belonging to this SG. MaxItems: 256
MinProperties: 1


SecurityGroupResourceStatus represents the observed state of the resource.

Appears in: - SecurityGroupStatus

Field Description Default Validation
name string Human-readable name for the security group. Might not be unique.
description string Description is a human-readable description for the resource.
projectID string ProjectID is the project owner of the security group.
tags string array Tags is the list of tags on the resource.
stateful boolean Stateful indicates if the security group is stateful or stateless.
rules SecurityGroupRuleStatus array Rules is a list of security group rules belonging to this SG.
createdAt Time
updatedAt Time
revisionNumber integer RevisionNumber optionally set via extensions/standard-attr-revisions


SecurityGroupRule defines a Security Group rule

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - SecurityGroupResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
description OpenStackDescription Description of the existing resource MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
direction RuleDirection Direction represents the direction in which the security group rule
is applied. Can be ingress or egress.
Enum: [ingress egress]
MaxLength: 16
MinLength: 1
remoteGroupID UUID RemoteGroupID Format: uuid
MaxLength: 36
remoteIPPrefix CIDR RemoteIPPrefix Format: cidr
MaxLength: 49
MinLength: 1
protocol Protocol Protocol is the IP protocol can be represented by a string, an
integer, or null
MaxLength: 16
MinLength: 1
Pattern: \b([01]?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\b|any|ah|dccp|egp|esp|gre|icmp|icmpv6|igmp|ipip|ipv6-encap|ipv6-frag|ipv6-icmp|ipv6-nonxt|ipv6-opts|ipv6-route|ospf|pgm|rsvp|sctp|tcp|udp|udplite|vrrp
ethertype Ethertype EtherType must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR
must match the ingress or egress rules.
Enum: [IPv4 IPv6]
MaxLength: 16
MinLength: 1
portRangeMin integer
portRangeMax integer


Appears in: - SecurityGroupResourceStatus

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID is the ID of the security group rule.
description string Description of the existing resource
direction string Direction represents the direction in which the security group rule
is applied. Can be ingress or egress.
remoteGroupID string RemoteGroupID
remoteIPPrefix string RemoteIPPrefix
protocol string Protocol is the IP protocol can be represented by a string, an
integer, or null
ethertype string Ethertype must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR
must match the ingress or egress rules.
portRangeMin integer
portRangeMax integer


SecurityGroupSpec defines the desired state of an ORC object.

Appears in: - SecurityGroup

Field Description Default Validation
import SecurityGroupImport Import refers to an existing OpenStack resource which will be imported instead of
creating a new one.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
resource SecurityGroupResourceSpec Resource specifies the desired state of the resource.

Resource may not be specified if the management policy is unmanaged.

Resource must be specified if the management policy is managed.
managementPolicy ManagementPolicy ManagementPolicy defines how ORC will treat the object. Valid values are
managed: ORC will create, update, and delete the resource; unmanaged:
ORC will import an existing resource, and will not apply updates to it or
delete it.
managed Enum: [managed unmanaged]
managedOptions ManagedOptions ManagedOptions specifies options which may be applied to managed objects.
cloudCredentialsRef CloudCredentialsReference CloudCredentialsRef points to a secret containing OpenStack credentials Required: {}


Server is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - ServerList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string Server
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ServerSpec


ServerFilter defines an existing resource by its properties

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - ServerImport

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name of the existing resource MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1


ServerImport specifies an existing resource which will be imported instead of creating a new one

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - ServerSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID contains the unique identifier of an existing OpenStack resource. Note
that when specifying an import by ID, the resource MUST already exist.
The ORC object will enter an error state if the resource does not exist.
Format: uuid
filter ServerFilter Filter contains a resource query which is expected to return a single
result. The controller will continue to retry if filter returns no
results. If filter returns multiple results the controller will set an
error state and will not continue to retry.
MinProperties: 1


ServerList contains a list of Server.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string ServerList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Server array


Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - ServerResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
portRef KubernetesNameRef PortRef is a reference to a Port object. Server creation will wait for
this port to be created and available.
MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1


ServerResourceSpec contains the desired state of a server

Appears in: - ServerSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name will be the name of the created resource. If not specified, the
name of the ORC object will be used.
MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
imageRef KubernetesNameRef MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1
flavorRef KubernetesNameRef MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1
userData UserDataSpec UserData specifies data which will be made available to the server at
boot time, either via the metadata service or a config drive. It is
typically read by a configuration service such as cloud-init or ignition.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
ports ServerPortSpec array Ports defines a list of ports which will be attached to the server. MaxItems: 32
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1


ServerResourceStatus represents the observed state of the resource.

Appears in: - ServerStatus

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name is the human-readable name of the resource. Might not be unique.
hostID string HostID is the host where the server is located in the cloud.
accessIPv4 string AccessIPv4 contains the IPv4 addresses of the server, suitable for
remote access for administration.
accessIPv6 string AccessIPv6 contains the IPv6 addresses of the server, suitable for
remote access for administration.
imageID string ImageID indicates the OS image used to deploy the server.
keyName string KeyName indicates which public key was injected into the server on launch.
securityGroups string array SecurityGroups includes the security groups that this instance has
applied to it.
MaxItems: 32


ServerSpec defines the desired state of an ORC object.

Appears in: - Server

Field Description Default Validation
import ServerImport Import refers to an existing OpenStack resource which will be imported instead of
creating a new one.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
resource ServerResourceSpec Resource specifies the desired state of the resource.

Resource may not be specified if the management policy is unmanaged.

Resource must be specified if the management policy is managed.
managementPolicy ManagementPolicy ManagementPolicy defines how ORC will treat the object. Valid values are
managed: ORC will create, update, and delete the resource; unmanaged:
ORC will import an existing resource, and will not apply updates to it or
delete it.
managed Enum: [managed unmanaged]
managedOptions ManagedOptions ManagedOptions specifies options which may be applied to managed objects.
cloudCredentialsRef CloudCredentialsReference CloudCredentialsRef points to a secret containing OpenStack credentials Required: {}


Subnet is the Schema for an ORC resource.

Appears in: - SubnetList

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string Subnet
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec SubnetSpec


SubnetFilter specifies a filter to select a subnet. At least one parameter must be specified.

Validation: - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - SubnetImport

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
projectID UUID Format: uuid
MaxLength: 36
ipVersion IPVersion Enum: [4 6]
gatewayIP IPvAny MaxLength: 45
MinLength: 1
cidr CIDR Format: cidr
MaxLength: 49
MinLength: 1
ipv6 IPv6Options MinProperties: 1
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource must
have all of the tags specified to be included in the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
tagsAny NeutronTag array TagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, the resource
must have at least one of the tags specified to be included in the
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTags NeutronTag array NotTags is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources which
contain all of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
notTagsAny NeutronTag array NotTagsAny is a list of tags to filter by. If specified, resources
which contain any of the given tags will be excluded from the result.
MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - SubnetResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
type SubnetGatewayType Type specifies how the default gateway will be created. Automatic
specifies that neutron will automatically add a default gateway. This is
also the default if no Gateway is specified. None specifies that the
subnet will not have a default gateway. IP specifies that the subnet
will use a specific address as the default gateway, which must be
specified in IP.
Enum: [None Automatic IP]
ip IPvAny IP is the IP address of the default gateway, which must be specified if
Type is IP. It must be a valid IP address, either IPv4 or IPv6,
matching the IPVersion in SubnetResourceSpec.
MaxLength: 45
MinLength: 1


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - SubnetGateway


SubnetImport specifies an existing resource which will be imported instead of creating a new one

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - SubnetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
id string ID contains the unique identifier of an existing OpenStack resource. Note
that when specifying an import by ID, the resource MUST already exist.
The ORC object will enter an error state if the resource does not exist.
Format: uuid
filter SubnetFilter Filter contains a resource query which is expected to return a single
result. The controller will continue to retry if filter returns no
results. If filter returns multiple results the controller will set an
error state and will not continue to retry.
MinProperties: 1


SubnetList contains a list of Subnet.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string SubnetList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Subnet array


Appears in: - SubnetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
networkRef KubernetesNameRef NetworkRef is a reference to the ORC Network which this subnet is associated with. MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - SubnetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name OpenStackName Name is a human-readable name of the subnet. If not set, the object's name will be used. MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
description OpenStackDescription Description of the subnet. MaxLength: 1024
MinLength: 1
tags NeutronTag array Tags is a list of tags which will be applied to the subnet. MaxItems: 32
MaxLength: 60
MinLength: 1
ipVersion IPVersion IPVersion is the IP version for the subnet. Enum: [4 6]
cidr CIDR CIDR is the address CIDR of the subnet. It must match the IP version specified in IPVersion. Format: cidr
MaxLength: 49
MinLength: 1
projectID UUID ProjectID is the unique ID of the project which owns the Subnet. Only
administrative users can specify a project UUID other than their own.
Format: uuid
MaxLength: 36
allocationPools AllocationPool array AllocationPools are IP Address pools that will be available for DHCP. IP
addresses must be in CIDR.
MaxItems: 32
gateway SubnetGateway Gateway specifies the default gateway of the subnet. If not specified,
neutron will add one automatically. To disable this behaviour, specify a
gateway with a type of None.
enableDHCP boolean EnableDHCP will either enable to disable the DHCP service.
dnsNameservers IPvAny array DNSNameservers are the nameservers to be set via DHCP. MaxItems: 16
MaxLength: 45
MinLength: 1
dnsPublishFixedIP boolean DNSPublishFixedIP will either enable or disable the publication of fixed IPs to the DNS
hostRoutes HostRoute array HostRoutes are any static host routes to be set via DHCP. MaxItems: 256
ipv6 IPv6Options IPv6 contains IPv6-specific options. It may only be set if IPVersion is 6. MinProperties: 1
routerRef KubernetesNameRef RouterRef specifies a router to attach the subnet to MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1


Appears in: - SubnetStatus

Field Description Default Validation
name string Name is the human-readable name of the subnet. Might not be unique.
description string Description for the subnet.
ipVersion integer IPVersion specifies IP version, either 4' or6'.
cidr string CIDR representing IP range for this subnet, based on IP version.
gatewayIP string GatewayIP is the default gateway used by devices in this subnet, if any.
dnsNameservers string array DNSNameservers is a list of name servers used by hosts in this subnet.
dnsPublishFixedIP boolean DNSPublishFixedIP specifies whether the fixed IP addresses are published to the DNS.
allocationPools AllocationPoolStatus array AllocationPools is a list of sub-ranges within CIDR available for dynamic
allocation to ports.
hostRoutes HostRouteStatus array HostRoutes is a list of routes that should be used by devices with IPs
from this subnet (not including local subnet route).
enableDHCP boolean Specifies whether DHCP is enabled for this subnet or not.
projectID string ProjectID is the project owner of the subnet.
ipv6AddressMode string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IPv6 IP addresses.
ipv6RAMode string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service
should transmit ICMPv6 packets.
subnetPoolID string SubnetPoolID is the id of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.
tags string array Tags optionally set via extensions/attributestags
createdAt Time
updatedAt Time
revisionNumber integer RevisionNumber optionally set via extensions/standard-attr-revisions


SubnetSpec defines the desired state of an ORC object.

Appears in: - Subnet

Field Description Default Validation
networkRef KubernetesNameRef NetworkRef is a reference to the ORC Network which this subnet is associated with. MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1
import SubnetImport Import refers to an existing OpenStack resource which will be imported instead of
creating a new one.
MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1
resource SubnetResourceSpec Resource specifies the desired state of the resource.

Resource may not be specified if the management policy is unmanaged.

Resource must be specified if the management policy is managed.
managementPolicy ManagementPolicy ManagementPolicy defines how ORC will treat the object. Valid values are
managed: ORC will create, update, and delete the resource; unmanaged:
ORC will import an existing resource, and will not apply updates to it or
delete it.
managed Enum: [managed unmanaged]
managedOptions ManagedOptions ManagedOptions specifies options which may be applied to managed objects.
cloudCredentialsRef CloudCredentialsReference CloudCredentialsRef points to a secret containing OpenStack credentials Required: {}


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Format: uuid - MaxLength: 36

Appears in: - NetworkFilter - PortFilter - PortResourceSpec - RouterFilter - SecurityGroupFilter - SecurityGroupRule - SubnetFilter - SubnetResourceSpec


Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - ServerResourceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
secretRef KubernetesNameRef SecretRef is a reference to a Secret containing the user data for this server. MaxLength: 253
MinLength: 1